Under the direction of Patrícia Gomes da Silveira (Colégio Pedro II), Joanne Norcup (University of Warwick/ Open University) and Deborah da Costa Fontenelle (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro).
The present special issue ‘Historical Geography: Writing, Researching and Teaching’ proposes to receive papers that reflect on the academic production of Historical Geography from different disciplinary perspectives, methodological approaches, and spatial and temporal analysis. In this sense, Terra Brasilis journal kindly invites the research community to contribute with original papers in the following topics:
1. Urban Historical Geography;
2. Landscapes of the past;
3. Teaching Historical Geography;
4. Historical geography and archival methodologies;
5. Historical Geography and international networks of knowledge production.
It should be noted that these thematic topics not exclude other possible approaches. Papers must be submitted by 31 July 2024 and can be oriented to all sections of the Terra Brasilis journal, following the respective formatting criteria of each section. Information about the other sections of the journal can be consulted at:
Guidelines for authors and submissions are available at:
All papers submitted for publications are subject to scientific arbitration, through the system of double blind peer review. Publication of texts is not guaranteed until the selection process is completed.
Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2024.
Carvalho, André. S. (2021) A geografia histórica da Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas (1904–2020): um registro. Terra Brasilis 16.
Chauca, Roberto. (2020) Técnica, teoria e práxis na cartografia da Amazônia de Samuel Fritz. Terra Brasilis 14.
Iorio, Gustavo S. (2017) Alguns aspectos metodológicos em História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica. Terra Brasilis 9.
Leite, Thomaz M. (2020) As críticas do estudo do passado na Geografia. Terra Brasilis 13.
Nogueira, Carlo E. (2020) Expedições geográficas e formação territorial no Espírito Santo (c. 1943). Terra Brasilis 13.
Novaes, André R. (2020) Histórias Escondidas nos Mapeamentos Fronteiriços: agências indígenas nos arquivos do coronel Percy Harrison Fawcett. Terra Brasilis 14.
Péaud, Laura. (2021) Translation also is a matter of style: the case of Alexander von Humboldt’s translations of Cosmos. Terra Brasilis 15.
Silveira, Patrícia G. (2020) Notas sobre a constituição da rede de circulação de mercadorias entre o litoral do Rio de Janeiro e os sertões mineiros (1750-1820). Terra Brasilis 14.
Van Duzer, Chet. (2022) Colonialismo en la cartela: imágenes y poder en los mapas de la Edad Moderna. Terra Brasilis 17.
Van Duzer, Chet. (2020) An addition to the corpus of maps by José Joaquim da Rocha (c. 1740-1807). Terra Brasilis 13.
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